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Where to find us

Would you like to try out one of our LITTLE BIG LAB products?

You can find us at Senovážné náměstí 1588/4, 110 00 Nové Město.

SUMO GARDEN concept store

Na adrese Senovážné náměstí
1588/4 si můžete vyzkoušet
všechny produkty a vybrat si ten nejlepší nebo si vyzvednout vaši objednávku. Rádi vám vše vysvětlíme a poradíme – vždy
pondělí – pátek od 10:00 do 19:00, sobota od 10:00 do 17:00.

Galerie Středočeského kraje: GASK

VIDDA fashion&living concept store

Beloved Shop

Placestore Praha

Placestore Brno - mimi

Placestore Brno

Place store Olomouc 

Placestore Zlín - mimi

Czech Concept Store in Paris

Kat. Jewelry Showroom

Shop Up Stories

Made for moms

Make-up Institute

We love local ingredients

We take inspiration from nature and naturalness when making our products. We don't go far for our finest ingredients - we find the best talent and the best ingredients locally.

We are a 100% Czech company

We are based in Prague, and we develop and manufacture the vast majority of our cosmetics in the Czech Republic. We cooperate on product development withprofessionals and developers of FARMAK MORAVIA, a Czech company.

Vegan & animal friendly ingredients

Our products are not tested on animals, based on the standards of Europian Union.